Organic Wine VS Conventional Wine (+ is 1 glass a day really ok?)

Many moons ago, when Crystal & I first made the switch to a diet of organic wholefoods, we knew that it wasn’t just the conventional, sugar & gluten laden foods that had to go.

It was alcohol too.

And that was hard.

Because back in those days…we were just a little obsessed with one particular type – wine.

We really, really LOVED wine.

Now if you’re picturing 2 wino’s drinking out of a couple of goonbags or cradling bottle shaped brown paper bags… replace that image with regular trips to the Yarra Valley cellar doors, eagerly ogling the little black books that restaurants keep their ‘special’ bottles in… or our favourite –  holidays in the Barrosa Valley where we would come back with more wine than we had the room for!  

In fact, we ended up purchasing a proper wine fridge which we filled up to the very brim with our precious bottles – each one from a special location, each one with its own unique story. 

We really loved wine.

Initially we gave up all alcohol completely.

Which (as you’ll find out shortly) – our bodies so desperately needed.

But as time went on, we made the decision to start having a glass for special occasions… Christmas… birthdays… or one of those super special celebrations.

We also wanted to make sure that – when we did have the occasional glass – it would be the healthiest way possible.

Cue in Organic Wine.

You know it’s interesting… because through our travels we’ve met many people that really appreciate Organic food – but when it comes to wine – unfortunately the same principles often get passed up.

So that begs the question – is organic wine really THAT much better than conventional?

Here’s the scoop…

Grapes are some of the most heavily sprayed foods going around.

And even though you can’t see them, the pesticides unfortunately do end up in your wine glass.

Which – once consumed by you – has all kinds of effects on your body.

They put strain on your liver & prevent it from being able to effectively remove toxins from the body, which can lead to weight gain & skin issues like acne.

Some pesticides can mimic your naturally occurring hormones & cause imbalances like estrogen dominance.

Pesticides destroy your good gut bacteria which are crucial for healthy immune function, being able to absorb nutrients from food, maintaining overall gut health & have even been linked to the increased cases of autism in children today.

Pesticides are seriously bad news – & just like conventional produce – conventional wine is no different.

So let’s talk about Organic wine…

Certified organic wine on the other hand, made from certified organic grapes, avoids all of that.

The soil the grapes are grown in is healthy & mineral rich, the grapes contains more vitamin & minerals + less nitrates.

The deal with Nitrates…

Nitrates on their own aren’t harmful, it’s what they turn into that can be a problem.

See, as soon as they hit the tongue they are converted in nitrite… & then from there either to nitric oxide or nitrosamine.

Nitrosamine is a known carcinogen, formed when nitrite is exposed to high temperatures, either from cooking or from your stomach acid.

In short – the less Nitrates the better – thank you Organic wine!

Organic wine can also contain up to 80% more resveratrol (a powerful antioxidant) than conventional wine, & significantly less sulphites, an additive used to make all wines that can cause allergic reactions in certain people.

So in conclusion – If you’re going to drink wine – Organic (or Biodynamic) wine should be very high up on your list!

Is a glass a day actually ok?

So if Organic wine is SO MUCH better than conventional (which as you now know, it really truely is) – why do we only choose to have a few glasses each year?

Well, the pesticides are only half the problem.

The other half, is the alcohol.

Now you likely know that alcohol isn’t good for you.

I think everybody is aware that ‘it’s no good for your liver’.

What you might not be aware of is just how damaging it can actually be on your body.

(And by the way – if you love wine as much as we used to – don’t shoot the messenger! Instead – know that you now have the power to make an informed decision on if you should cut back or not).

So here’s the deal.

Alcohol & your liver…
Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram & ZERO nutritional value, & as far as fuel for your body goes, it’s the first to burn.

That might sound like a good thing, but it’s because your body sees it as a toxin. It’s the only substance that goes directly into your bloodstream upon consumption & your body knows that if too much is allowed to build up, you will die.

So it needs to get rid of it ASAP… by moving it to the front of the line of the liver where it needs to be converted into a safer substance before it can be excreted.

When this happens, all other metabolism is put on hold & over time this can take its toll on your liver & cause weight gain.

Alcohol & your B Vitamins…

B vitamins play a role in so many important functions in the body.

They help your body to absorb the nutrients from the food you eat, giving you energy & avoiding fatigue.

They keep your hair & nails strong & healthy, reduce the signs of aging in your skin, as well as treat acne & dryness. They also assist your liver in the detox process.

Ready for the bad news? Alcohol depletes your B Vitamins.

Alcohol & Glutathione…

Glutathione – known as the mother of all antioxidants – is one of the most important substances your body produces.

It helps immune function, fights cancer, increases strength, endurance, improves recovery time & enhances mental performance.

It also plays a huge roll in helping your liver to remove toxins from your body.

Unfortunately – Alcohol destroys your Glutathione. This is incredibly bad news for your body!

A few other scary things Alcohol does…

Alcohol disrupts sleep & can stop your body from performing important repair tasks while you rest.

Alcohol lowers testosterone in men & can cause reproductive issues in women.

Alcohol is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, even in moderation, I’m talking just one glass a day.


Unfortunately, drinking one glass a day is not the smartest move.

Does this mean you should never drink again?

If you enjoy it – then no. You don’t have to go to extremes.

But now that you know how it effects you, can can choose to go about it a bit differently.

You can choose to cut back to just special occasions like we do – or maybe even one glass a week instead of one glass a night?

A word of advice though – If you are going to enjoy a drink or 2, make sure you’re doing everything you can to support your body.

Things you can do to support your body before & after consuming alcohol:

⇒ Take a high-quality B vitamin supplement, especially with B6 & B12 for glutathione production. Thorne Research is an excellent brand, you can find it on iherb. (A note on the B12: there are a few types of B12, Methylcobalamin is the easiest for your body to absorb so look for that)

⇒ Take a high-quality glutathione supplement, again Thorne make a great one that you can find on iherb

⇒ Take St Mary’s Thistle as it’s a powerful detoxifier & will help rebuild liver cells.

Eat foods high in sulphur – Getting more cruciferous veggies on your plate is a great way to support glutathione production & your liver function. Kale, rocket, broccoli, bok choy & kohl rabi just to name a few! Check out this post for more awesome benefits of those leafy green legends. Other great food sources of sulphur are the allicin family (garlic, leeks, onion etc.)

Up your vitamin C, E & Selenium intake – You’ll get a double whammy of vitamin C & sulphur with the cruciferous veggies. Munch on a handful of brazil nuts for your selenium needs & some almonds for vitamin E

⇒ Choose red wine over white wine. Red wine contains more antioxidants & other beneficial compounds than white + as an extra bonus, also contains less sugar

Last but not least…

Know that these tips aren’t a free pass to go overboard on the juice (& by juice I mean the alcoholic type), they’re just some ways for you to better support your health if you decide to indulge in the occasional glass of organic wine.



The healthiest foods in the world + why you should be eating them daily!

When I was a kid, my true pet hate was ‘healthy food’.

Why? Because I thought it tasted disgusting & to be honest, I thought I was super cool by refusing to eat the stuff that mum & dad wanted me to! (Real rebel hey!?)

Salads, no thank you….

Vegetables… hell noooo!

…In fact… I wouldn’t even go near fruit!

Not surprisingly, my sugar & carbohydrate addicted self (yeah, that was the only stuff I would eat) ended up incredibly overweight, exhausted & even worse – just lacking any drive or..well… life, really.

Crystal on the other hand was on a whole new level of ‘lacking life’.

And if you’re familiar with her backstory, you’ll know that constant chronic migraines, anxiety, leaky gut syndrome & no period was just the beginning…

So suffice to say, when we began our health journey & started researching just how important wholefoods are to our bodies, we wanted to find the HEALTHIEST wholefoods out there! Like… the HOLY GRAIL of nutrition.

And we found it.


Also known as Cruciferous vegetables.

You know how Kale was crowned superfood of the century? Well Kale’s whole family are just as (or even more) incredible for your body.

Brassicas, or Cruciferous Veggies are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet (I wasn’t kidding when I wrote the subject line!)

Vitamins A, C, K, E, B vitamins, Folate, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc & Fibre are just some of the things you’ll find in these incredible foods (& by the way, each & every one of these is super important for your health).

Cruciferous vegetables are also packed with some serious body-loving health benefits like…

  • Stronger eye sight
  • Improved bone density
  • Younger looking & smoother skin
  • Healthier teeth & gums
  • Improved brain function
  • More energy
  • Reduced signs of ageing
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Better digestion & metabolism
  • Improved gut health
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased ability to detoxify the body
  • Hormonal balance
  • The ability to kill cancer cells

But it’s those last 3 benefits that really impressed the pants of us…

In fact let me break it down in a little more detail for you, because I reckon your pants will come off too (hold on, forget that… Bottom line… you’ll be impressed!)

Here we go…

Sulforaphane; The ultimate detoxifier

Cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphane, a phytonutrient with some pretty powerful detoxifying abilities.

In fact, a study showed that people living in the most polluted areas in China were able to excrete 60% of the benzene found in their bodies after just one day of taking sulforaphane. Benzene is a toxin found in exhaust fumes which is a known carcinogen.

In short… Cruciferous vegetables = insanely powerful detoxifier!

Balance your hormones with DIM

Unfortunately, a common issue in our world today is hormonal imbalances.

Especially oestrogen dominance. Things like conventional fruit & veg, conventional meat, conventional dairy, soy, conventional skincare & the (birth control) pill can result in oestrogen dominance as they contain similar chemical structures to oestrogen & can mimic it in our body.

This can lead to all types of misery such as weight gain, missing periods, PCOS, infertility & gynecomastia (man boobs)…

So what can you do about it? Well, cruciferous vegetables contain another awesome compound called Diindolylmethane or DIM.

DIM actually allows the body to break down & metabolise oestrogen, helping your body achieve & maintain a proper hormonal balance. This is so incredibly important, yes, even for men!

Isothiocyanates; Cancer’s nemesis.

Isothiocyanates are another incredible compound found in brassicas or cruciferous vegetables. These compounds have been studied for years now, & the effects they have – particularly on cancer cells – are nothing short of miraculous. A study showed that cruciferous veggies can reduce the risk of lung, stomach, rectal, colon, prostate & ovarian cancer by up to 70% in some cases.

70%!!! I’m not kidding!!!!

It works by neutralizing pro carcinogenic cells, stopping them from becoming active carcinogens, as well as by reducing the damage caused by already active carcinogens in the body.

Now the cool thing about all of these compounds… Sulforaphane, DIM, Isothiocyanates, (& there are plenty more where they came from) is that they are actually there as a defense mechanism for the plants, as a way to ward of predators. Think of them as nature’s pesticides!

But the REALLY cool thing about these compounds, is the effect they have on us. When we consume these compounds, they trigger what’s called a cellular stress response, aka a ‘hormetic’ response or hormesis, which basically means that after being exposed to low levels of toxicity from these plant compounds, our cells actually come back stronger & healthier.

Pretty amazing hey?

Okay so now to the really big question…

What are these Cruciferous veggies we speak of?

Here’s the list:

Bok choy
Brussels sprout
Chinese broccoli
Chinese cabbage
Collard greens
Land cress
Mustard Greens
Pak choi

So which ones are you going to load up your plate with???

My personal favourites… Watercress, Kohl Rabi & Mustard Greens – they are SUPER easy to grow & they taste fantastic!

P.S If you wanted some extra brownie points on your plate, you could pick the purple ones (purple cabbage, purple sprouting broccoli, purple kale, purple mustard greens etc.) as they contain anthocyanins, the compound found in blueberries, which also has powerful anti cancer properties too!

Soil Based Probiotics – Why your body needs them

These days we’re all taking our gut health much more seriously as the important role it plays in our overall health becomes clearer.

Everyone’s drinking kombucha, eating sauerkraut or has a fresh batch of bone broth on the stove. Which is awesome… because compromised gut health is associated with everything from simple allergies, asthma, eczema, weight gain all the way to more serious issues like depression, autoimmune diseases & even autism.

Yep, it has THAT much influence over our health!

So the whole reason you want to include things like bone broth & fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi & kombucha in your diet is because they boost your overall number of beneficial gut bacteria, which by the way are also known as probiotics, microbes, micro-organisms, gut flora, gut bugs – it all the same thing.  

But what do these gut bugs actually do for you?? 

Well… it turns out they do an awful lot! And by awful I mean wonderful! 

In fact I was pretty blown away when I first came across all these incredible facts. Not only do they help you to absorb the nutrients from the food you eat (DO NOT underestimate how important that is, if you’re not absorbing nutrients from your food, you’re in trouble!)… they also control your mood & impact your sleep by regulating the production of serotonin (serotonin is a neurotransmitter that sends calming signals to the brain that impacts mood & sleep), they stop you from getting colds & the flu, keep viruses away & even regulate your appetite & body weight.

In a nut shell, the quality of your gut microbes determines the quality of your health.

Let me say that again… the quality of your gut microbes determines the quality of your health.

But here’s the thing… it isn’t just a numbers game.

It’s also about DIVERSITY! 

And while eating fermented foods & populating your gut with those beneficial microbes is incredibly important, it’s only half the battle…

You see, there’s another type of microbe (or bug/probiotic/microorganism… whatever you would like to call it!) that you need in your gut that you CAN NOT get from fermented foods…

These bad boys are the soil microbes & they play a HUGE role in your health.

See, while both types of probiotics are important for optimal gut health – when they’re both present in your gut, they work together to maintain balance & their effects are AMPLIFIED! 

On top of this, soil microbes (which are called spore form microbes) are actually better at surviving in the acidic environment of the human stomach than the microbes you would get from fermented foods (which are called lactic acid based microbes) thanks to their hardened protective shells. This enables them to live in your gut for longer, which means you get to experience the benefits for longer!

So what kind of benefits am I talking about exactly?

Well, not only do they help to maintain the balance between your good & bad gut bacteria (which is SO super important for keeping away a host illnesses)… but they also increase nutrient absorption, treat yeast overgrowths like candida, digestive issues like IBS, stop bloating, prevent autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases & give your immune system a serious boost.

Is it any wonder they’re said to be among the most important things for your health? We think not 😉

But here’s the thing… as powerful as these organisms are… most of us are missing out on the benefits they provide because we just aren’t being exposed to them anymore.

We’re not spending anywhere near as much time outdoors as we should be, & we’ve become obsessed with sanitising everything. Everything including our food must be wiped clean without a speck of anything on it. Our need to be clean is compromising our health!

In fact, I remember being told to wash my hands immediately after coming into contact with any animals as a kid! These days not a day goes by when I’m not smothered with kisses from our 2 beautiful pups, & you know what? I’ve probably got a stronger immune system for it, thanks to the extra microbes I’ve likely picked up from them!

Okay – So how can you start populating your gut with the soil based probiotics then?

…First & foremost… Start growing some of your own food in microbe rich soil! This is the BEST & easiest way.

And it doesn’t take much, even just a few herbs like rosemary, parsley or mint – really easy stuff to grow!

By doing this you’ll be exposing yourself to these organisms just by getting out there & getting your hands dirty in the soil! That’s all it takes! 

Just make sure you’re using certified organic ingredients like aged chicken manure, cow manure & rock minerals to lay the foundation for a fertile, rich & living environment for these microbes to thrive (& reproduce in). The reason why you MUST get Certified Organic (besides the awful affects it can have on your body) is because harsh conventional fertilisers & chemicals will wipe out the microbes – not what you want!

Another way to increase microbial activity in your soil is by using Molasses. Put a nice blob of Molasses into your watering can & water it into the soil – they go nuts for the stuff! 

Another reason why homegrown food makes it easier than ever to get your daily dose of soil probiotics is because these probiotics will literally be on the food that your pulling out of your garden!! And because you’ve grown it yourself without any nasty chemicals, you don’t need to scrub it clean… or even peel it for that matter (which of course would get rid of the majority of them!).

…Now if you don’t want to grow your own food, the next best thing you can do is buy organic & not scrub it clean.

Why? Because if you’re food doesn’t have any chemicals on it & you know where it’s coming from, again there’s no need to scrub it… That way you’ll still be able to retain some of those microbes – not as many as if you we’re growing it yourself, but enough to make a difference! 

– Lastly – You can actually purchase soil based probiotics in capsule form (just like you can purchase lactic acid probiotics in capsule form) – this might be a better option for you if you have no way of exposing yourself to soil or eating organic produce. 

Either way, these 3 options will get you well on your way to populating your gut with – & experiencing the benefits of – soil based probiotics.

Hopefully I’ve inspired you to get a little dirty & to expand your palate of microbes!

Never underestimate the incredible health that can come with taking these small steps – it’s truly life changing!

Speak soon, Anth

Stinging Nettle – The incredible weed that’s loaded with health benefits!

Weeding… One of the least enjoyable activities on earth, for me anyway.

As a kid I used to loathe it… but as my parents paid me a whole dollar per hour to rip those bad boys out of the garden, it was high up on my to do list!

I still hate them today, but these days as our Healthy Patches are weed free, the only weeds in our lives are the ones I plant myself.

Yep – I plant weeds!

But not the boring kind that takes up your time & makes you feel incredibly frustrated.

The kind that is loaded with health benefits & would kind of almost be silly not to grow 😉

You see… not all weeds are created equally!

Cue in Stinging Nettle.

A beautiful weed (which is actually a herb!) known for its tiny needle covered leaves (that’s the stinging bit!).

Stinging Nettle has been used as medicine for thousands of years & Hippocrates had over 60 uses for it, seriously! 

Not only is Nettle amazing for you, but it’s super easy to prepare & tastes good too! But we’ll get to that in a minute…

First off, here is why you should start including it in your diet…

The incredible health benefits of Nettle 

1. It’s a POWERFUL detoxifier – Stinging nettle has a history of being used a diuretic, it also has a laxative effect which helps to clear waste from the body –  especially the blood & kidneys.

2. It builds your blood – Stinging Nettle is rich in chlorophyll – An amazing nutrient that is very similar to haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying molecule in our bodies – & so it helps to increase red blood cell count which is so important for overall oxygen levels in the body!

3. It contains Scopoletin – Scopoletin is a powerful phytochemical that has been shown to regulate blood pressure & stop the reproduction of Staphylococcus & Streptococcus, two types of bacteria that can lead to serious health issues when they begin to multiply.

4. It helps reduce anxiety & depression – Scopoletin found in Stinging Nettle is also able to regulate the production of serotonin. Seratonin is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood, appetite & sleep patterns.

5. It helps joint pain – Stinging Nettle contains some powerful anti-inflammatory properties & has been shown to help with auto immune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, a condition where the joints become inflamed.

6. It provides relief from eczema – Stinging Nettle has been shown to be a natural treatment for eczema due to it’s anti-inflammatory properties.

7. It provides relief from gout – Gout is a crippling condition that’s caused by a build-up of uric acid in the joints. Stinging Nettle can help the body to excrete excess uric acid, helping to provide relief from gout.

8. It helps with prostate gland issues – Stinging Nettle has been shown to help men with an enlarged prostate & is even able to slow or stop the spread of cancer cells.

9. It provides relief from hay fever & allergies – If you’ve ever experienced the sneezing, coughing, runny nose or itchy eyes of hay fever – you’ll know it ain’t no picnic! Because of Nettle’s anti-inflammatory properties, it can stop a number of reactions & processes that lead to allergies & hay fever.

Want to grow your own? Easy peasy! 

Stinging Nettle is a perennial herb, meaning that it will live for many years in your garden. It can grow in most soil conditions (hey, it is a weed after all :p) but it especially loves nutrient rich soils high in nitrogen (think chicken poo!!).

They love full sun but can do part shade if that’s all you have 😉  

Nettle pro tip – come harvest time, wear gloves or you will likely be stung!

How to prepare & eat your stinging nettle 

Okay so the ‘stinging’ bit freaks people out when it comes to actually eating it… which is probably fair enough.

But after you prep it (which is super easy) they become ‘stingless’ & you can literally add it to any culinary dish just like you would parsley!

So how do you prep it? Cut off the stems so you’re left with only the leaves. Now throw the leaves into boiling water for just a few minutes, take them out with a slotted spoon & place them into a bowl of ice (& the bowl of ice is optional – you can use straight away after you boil if you prefer, but blanching will give you a better flavour). Done. The sting is gone & they are ready to eat.

You can add it to pizzas (healthy of course!!), zoodles, bakes, soups… & anything you can think of really!

You can also dry your nettle instead of boiling it, but you’ll need the stems still attached!

Just bunch it up & tie a long piece of twine around the stems. Then hang it from basically anywhere you fancy. We actually have a few nails on our pantry wall that we hang them on. 

After a week or two (depending on temperature/humidity) your nettle will be good to go. Store the dried leaves in glass jars & use them in homemade herbal teas 🙂

Super easy & SUPER nutritious!

And of course, any Q’s just shoot me through an email!

Speak soon!


The perfect body loving smoothie for when you’re on the run!

I’ve always been that kind of person who has 1002 things on her plate…

Things are always left to last minute…

I’m always taking on more things because I think I can accomplish them in said time…

And I’m forever running late. (I actually found out yesterday that my waxing lady told me my appointment was half n hour later than what was scheduled just so I would show up on time! Yep.)

I’m not sure if that will ever change…

However – one thing that has most definitely changed in the last few years is my eating patterns & the way I look after my body.

Back in the day, if I was late – whatever the appropriate meal was for that time of day would be missed – simple as that.

No time = no time to eat.

These days – making sure i’m giving my body the support it needs is at the top of my list.

Now trust me – I get it… It’s super easy to let yourself run around like a crazy person trying to accomplish everything because that clock ain’t going to stop – but the thing is – if you don’t provide your body with the proper fuel it needs – you AREN’T going to preform at your best!!!  That – I promise you!

Now don’t get me wrong here – I’m not saying that you shouldn’t ‘fast’, as fasting can be very beneficial for some people to clear out damaged cells & detoxify their body – however fasting is a completely different situation & should only be done in a calm & relaxing environment when you have time to take naps etc. & really look after yourself. Right now, I’m talking about everyday life. Everyday life when you’re running around like a mad man skipping your breaky or lunch or dinner because you don’t have time…

And this is where the humble smoothie comes in 🙂

Because as you likely know…

A. It probably takes less than a minute to chuck everything in your blender & blend it all up

And B. You can drink it on the go!


The thing is – if you’re going to have a smoothie as a meal replacement – you need to do it the right way.

The right way: Including a mix of good fats, proteins & antioxidants (& LOW sugar fruit if desired) to energise your body, keep you sustained & keep your blood sugar levels stable.


The wrong way: Including too much fruit (especially high sugar fruits like banana), other sweeteners, or not enough fat or protein, leading to blood sugar spikes, hunger & possible malnourishment.

Yep – Unfortunately these days it’s very common to chuck a few bananas & nut milk in a blender, maybe with some honey as well.

The thing is though – that banana smoothie will contain a LOT of sugar & little protein or fat.

Now one day very soon I’m going to make a smoothie eBook for you to give you a heap of different ideas & recipes to create perfect smoothies for the run, every time… but because we’ve just acknowledged that I’m always taking on more things than I have time for…. today I’m just going to stick to one smoothie :p

My FAVOURITE smoothie in fact, which will keep your body feeling fabulous! (If “up & go” was actually healthy – this is what it would be like! Pitty it’s not!)

The Perfect body loving Smoothie for when you’re on the run!


1 Can coconut milk (fat)

1/2 Avocado (fat)

1 – 2 eggs (I have 1, Anth has 2) (protein)

1/2 cup FROZEN Blueberries (If not frozen, add ice as well so your smoothie is nice & cold!) (antioxidants, low sugar fruit) 

3 Kale leaves (antioxidants) 

2 big Silverbeet/Chard leaves (antioxidants) 

1/4 big lemon OR 1/2 small lemon (don’t forgo the lemon – it will take away from the bitterness of the greens) (antioxidants)

2 tbsp coconut oil (fat)


Throw all ingredients into a high speed blender & blend until smooth & creamy.

Pour into a glass jar & enjoy!

Supercharged Basil & Kale Pesto with Spirulina

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve had a serious obsession with Pesto – Rich & Creamy Basil pesto to be specific 😉

On Pizza… on pasta… on eggs… in salads… in wraps… In anything savoury really!

The problem was, this pesto was of course “store bought, processed pesto” with a handful of incredibly nasty ingredients.

Water, basil (30%), canola oil, almonds (5%), pecorino cheese (4.5%) (contains milk), salt, sugar, cheese flavour (contains milk), food acid (lactic), fruit fibre (0.7%), thickeners, basil flavour.

That’s what was written on the back of the little jar…

So when we made the switch to an organic diet of mineral rich wholefoods, naturally I thought pesto was off the cards.

GMO trans fat (canola oil) with a nice dash of Pasteurised Milk & Sugar… I think not!

Of course as the years went by though, we were learning very quickly that you can in fact create any recipe at all using just wholefoods. Pesto – no exception!

Cue in our Supercharged Kale & Basil pesto with Spirulina!

Not only is it super easy to make, it’s loaded with good stuff! And if you grow your own Basil & Kale like we do, you can make it in bulk & freeze it in little glass jars (because remember, Basil doesn’t grow in the cold winter!)

Alright – So why should you make it?

Well, like our old mate “store bought, processed pesto” – it too is also rich & creamy, however instead of harmful ingredients it contains a heap of body loving goodness that will make you feel amazing!

Before I take you through some of the amazing ingredients – I just wanted to point out an awesome little trend that runs through the main 3. Kale, Basil & Spirulina are all packed with chlorophyl!

Why is this awesome? Because Chlorophyl is incredibly similar in its composition to Haemoglobin – the oxygen carrying molecule found in our red blood cells – & actually helps our body to ‘build blood’ which is vital for increased oxygen levels in the body! It also promotes awesome liver health as well as allowing us to absorb more nutrients from our foods.

Ok…onto the list of ingredients!

Kale – Packed with antioxidants & detoxifying compounds, Kale is also rich in Vitamin K for healthy bones, Vitamin A for healthy vision & Vitamin C for a boosted immune system

Basil – Helps to reduce inflammation & is rich in vitamins & minerals including Vitamin A+K as well as Manganese which helps to balance hormones. Basil also contains antibacterial & antiviral properties.

Spirulina – The number of vitamins & minerals found in Spirulina is seriously incredible. It detoxes heavy metals from the body, promotes a healthy gut & it even contains all essential amino acids, making it a complete plant based source of protein.

Olive Oil – A rich source of healthy monounsaturated fat, olive oil strengthens the heart, help to keeps your skin hydrated & healthy + supports brain health.

Coconut Oil – One of our favourite ingredients ever, coconut oil is packed with healthy saturated fats which are absolutely crucial for healthy hormones. The MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides) in coconut oil are an extremely beneficial type of fat which are quickly burned as energy rather than being stored as body fat. It also helps with weight loss & blood sugar levels

Okay… now a few pointers before you make it…

1. I always start with a base of cashew cheese to give it that extra creaminess. Now this of course is optional – however it pays off taste wise (who doesn’t love creaminess!!)

2. I use a 50 50 mix of Olive Oil AND Coconut Oil… Why? Because I find just Olive Oil alone makes it taste to Olive Oily & it takes away from the beautiful basil… When you combine Olive Oil & Coconut Oil together however – the taste is quite perfect… neither too subtle nor too strong!

3. The amount of Oil is your call. I use 1/4 Cup (so 1/8 cup Olive Oil & 1/8 cup Coconut Oil mixed together) HOWEVER this gives you a strong pesto! If you want a slightly milder pesto, use 1/2 cup of Oil (so 1/4 cup Olive Oil & 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil mixed together!)

Okay – Let’s do this!!


Cashew Cheese Base:

2 Garlic Cloves

2 tbsp Coconut Vinegar OR Apple Cider Vinegar (If you have both, use 1 tbsp of each)

1/4 Cup Cashews

Pinch of Pink Salt

2 Tbsp Coconut Milk


1 small bunch of Kale (around 6 leaves) – Stalks removed

1 bunch of Basil

1 tbsp Spirulina

1/4 cup pine nuts

2 Garlic Cloves

1/4 Cup – 1/2 Cup of Olive & Coconut Oil mixed together (See point #2 above!)


Place all ingredients for your Cashew Cheese Base in a high speed blender.

Blend on high until smooth

Now place all ingredients for your pesto EXCEPT OIL into your blender (place on top of the Cashew Cheese Base)

Blend for about 15 seconds so all ingredients (except oil) combine.

Now SLOWLY pour your oil down the shoot of your blender whilst your blending.

Once everything has blended together – you’re done! You now have a beautiful creamy pesto!

Store in a glass jar, in the fridge for up to a week, or in the freezer for an incredibly long time!

Enjoy! C x

Why you & your garden will LOVE Echinacea – The Medicinal Superherb

Echinacea (also known as Coneflower in edible gardening land) is one of our absolute favourite herbs!

If you’ve seen one before – it’s probably the purple one with the red spikey centre. This is the most common variety.

Echinacea first caught our eye at the organic nursery a couple of years back – we were always on the lookout for some new & exciting edibles (especially beneficial insect attracting ones) that we could lovingly rehome in our Healthy Patches.

Crystal stopped us in our tracks when we set eyes on this beauty…

“Oh my gosh… oh my gosh… its Eh-Ka-Nay-Sha! That’s the one I was telling you about!!”

We knew we had to have it!

So beauty aside – what is it about Echinacea that makes it so damn amazing?

Firstly… They attract Beneficial Insects

A crucial part of a healthy edible garden is beneficial insects!

And what better way to lure them in with these stunners!

Not only are Echinaceas SUPER stunning to us – but their cone shaped ‘head’ is just as pleasing to the bees, hover flies, wasps & fireflies!

Expect to attract all kinds of beneficial insects to your patch with these babies!

Secondly… They’re edible!

Echinacea petals can be added to salads, brighten up summer drinks, or used along with the leaves in a fresh herbal tea. 

You can also dry the leaves and then store them in a glass jar for future use. One teaspoon of dried & crushed petals is the equivalent of one cup of fresh petals in herbal preparations – isn’t that cool?

Now if you’re after the root which is a bit more potent than the petals… you’ll need to wait 2-3 years before it’s a good size for harvest.

Thirdly – & I’ve left the best bit till last – Their medicinal properties are through the roof!

In fact – Echinacea has actually been named as one of the most popular medicinal herbs in the whole wide WORLD!


  • It’s a natural painkiller – Echinacea has been shown to provide relief from stomach & bowel pain, headaches, a sore throat & tonsillitis.
  • It’s a powerful cold & flu cure – Echinacea has a long history of being used as an effective cold & flu remedy. There’s now hard science that shows that by giving your immune system a boost – Echinacea reduces your chance of catching a cold by 58%!! And if you do happen to catch a cold, it’s been shown to help you recover from it 1.5 days sooner!
  • It fights inflammation – Inflammation is said to be the root of all diseases & is caused by things like diet, stress & lack of sleep. Echinacea has been shown to reduce the amount of inflammation in the body & even provide relief from conditions like arthritis which are caused by chronic inflammation.
  • It contains cancer & tumour fighting properties – Echinacea contains phytochemicals that may help to fight certain types of cancer & tumours.
  • It protects your skin & keeps it healthy – Echinacea has been shown to help skin in the healing process from wounds & has also been shown to bring relief from issues like eczema, infections, stings & bites.

Hey… it’s not going to be one of the most popular herbal medicines for no reason!

Now a quick word to the wise – if you’re are going to start taking Echinacea – just be careful not to go overboard if you’re consuming the root (no more than 2 cups of herbal tea per day) & if you’re pregnant it’s always best to consult your medical professional.

How to grow Echinacea

Echinacea is actually incredibly easy to grow yourself… you just need a patch (or pot!) with healthy, nutrient rich soil (like most edibles, they love compost & poo!) in a spot that gets full sun (around 6 hours a day).

You should be able to find echinacea at a good organic nursery. If not you can always grow from seed which usually sprout in around 10-20 days. 

The flowers will bloom in summer, & if you’re going to harvest them you’ll probably need to wait around 5 months until they are ready… unless it’s the roots you’re after in which case you’ll need to give about 2-3 years.

Make sure to pinch off any dead flowers as well – this allows the plant to put all it’s energy into creating new blooms. 

I have a feeling you will love these beauties just as much as I do!

And if you’re already growing your own Echinacea & enjoying the awesome benefits I’d love to know about!

Anth x

Veg Packed Paleo Spag Bol

Spaghetti Bolognese was never a big dish for me…

In fact… my mum occasionally made it for us when I was a kid & that meant that my dinner consisted of garlic bread (no spag bol for me thank you very much!!)

After that – I turned vegetarian 😉

When we started our heath journey & I decided to start eating organic & ethically sourced meat again… Anthony was forever bugging me to create a Crystal-&-Anthony worthy spag bol – in other words… a paleo spag bol.

I gave in & got to work…

And this dish has been on our weekly dinner menu ever since… And we all lived happily ever after!

Hahaha but in all seriousness, this Bolognese is one of our top fav dishes!

Not only is it easy to make which is great when you have a pile of work as big as last week’s supermoon.

But it’s PACKED with flavour (the onion, garlic, chilli, ginger & oregano all get on like a house on fire)

And it’s LOADED with health benefits.

Onions contain powerful antioxidants & help to cleanse the blood.

Broccoli is packed with nutrients that are important for glowing skin & strong bones – as well as the cancer fighting compound isothiocyanates.

Celery promotes a strong immune system, healthy blood flow & eyesight. It also contains compounds shown to reduce high blood pressure & provide relief from gout.

And Grass fed beef provides your body with the perfect ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 essential fatty acids (a ratio of 3:1)… a healthy balance is crucial for good health & too many Omega 6’s coupled with too little Omega 3’s (caused by eating things like grain fed beef which has a ratio of 20:1!) can affect brain function & development, cause inflammation & increase your risk of arthritis & heart disease.

Now as you might have noticed – even though this is an Italian dish – we put ginger in it.

Ginger gives it a real zing & compliments the slightly sweet tomato Passata.

If you want to leave it out you can BUT I urge you to try it! It seriously adds a mighty flavour punch… & it’s packed packed PACKED with Health benefits (we wrote a whole post about it + how to grow your own here)

Okie doke – enough chit chat – let’s get cooking!!



500gm Organic, Grass-fed Beef Mince (we get ours from Cherry Tree Organics)

2 Brown Onions, diced

4 big Garlic Cloves, minced

1 2cm size piece of Ginger, minced (optional)

2 large Carrots, chopped

1 large Broccoli, cut in small florets

1 cup Mushrooms, chopped in half

2 stalks of Celery, chopped

2 fresh Chilies, finely chopped

2 large Zucchinis, spirilized with “spaghetti” blade

1 680gm Jar of Organic Tomato Passata

2 tsp Smoked Paprika

Handful of fresh Oregano, chopped

Handful of fresh Thyme, chopped

Handful of fresh Parsley, to serve (optional)

Pink Salt


1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Olive Oil for drizzling


Melt coconut oil in large frying pan over medium heat.

Add onion & cook for 5 minutes – cover with lid if you have one.

Add garlic & ginger & cook for another minute.

Add beef mince & seperate with wooden spoon.

Cook until just brown & then add veggies, excluding zucchini, oregano, paprika & parsley.

Cook for another 5 minutes & add passata, oregano & paprika + pink salt & cracked pepper to taste.

Simmer for 10-15 minutes (depending on how much time you have!) & then add spirilized zucchinis.

Mix the zoodles through the dish & cook for another minute.

Serve in a bowl & top with a little parsley.

Drizzle with Olive Oil

Enjoy your spag bowl!

This last step in the method is CRUCIAL 🙂

Any Q’s please let me know!

Have a blast! Crystal xx

IncrEdible Spotlight – Watercress

For some reason we have only just started to grow watercress recently – but can we tell you – we were missing out big time!

Not only does watercress grow mighty quickly… its health benefits are through the roof – seriously!

You might be surprised to know that watercress is actually a BRASSICA!

…Meaning that its sweet little cousins are Broccoli & Mustard Greens!

More importantly – this also means that it provides the body with the same body-loving compounds known throughout the brassica boys – Isothiocyanates.

You may have heard us prattle on about this compound before – but just incase…

Isothiocyanates is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables & is released when the raw leaves are chopped up or chewed. It’s been shown to reduce the risk of cancer by actually preventing pro-carcinogenic cells from becoming carcinogenic & by mitigating the damage done by the active carcinogenic cells! Cooking the leaves reduces the effects of Isothiocyanates by up to 50% so make sure you’re getting both cooked & uncooked on your plate!

Other reasons why watercress rocks our socks: 

– Watercress is loaded with Calcium which is essential for maintaining bone & teeth strength as well as keeping hair & nails healthy.

– Watercress also contains Sulpher which makes up important amino acids in order to help the body to create proteins & it also helps the produce collagen which is integral for our connective tissue.

– It’s also rich in the Anti Oxidant “Lutein” which is critical for anti-ageing & heart disease prevention, as well as maintaining awesome vision.

– Watercress is also used in alternative medicine as a blood purifier, as well as to treat skin infections kidney issues & chest problems.

– It’s great for dehydration as it has a high water content (suprise surprise)

– And last but not least – it is said that macerated watercress improves the health of your hair & increases its thickness!

How To Grow Watercress

Now you might have guessed from the name… but watercress likes A LOT of water!
Perfect if you have a healthy soil which retains a lot of moisture – not so good if you are trying to grow it in an average ‘nursery potting mix’.
Bottom line – make sure the soil is moist at ALL times! If you don’t let it dry out, not a lot can go wrong! 

When to grow: 
Watercress is super hardy which means it’s pretty easy going, however it had to choose, it would go for a cool, rainy climate over a sunny hot one!
If you do have extremely cold winters it may die back – otherwise watch it spread like wildfire! If you have incredibly hot summers, it won’t go too well as it will probably dry out!
Watercress prefers partial shade over full sun, but if you’re in a temperate climate like us, full sun shouldn’t bee too much of an issue.
…We will say this though – shade does make the leaves grow larger – your call.

Harvest Time:
Once Watercress has settled in & got comfortable he will start growing like crazy! Expect to harvest your first salad within 6-8 weeks!

Plant with:
Beets, celery, cucumbers & marigolds

Don’t plant with:
Strawberries!!! Remember they are a brassica – they hate strawberries!

Magnesium – Why you need it + what can happen if you’re deficient

Mineral Spotlights is finally here!!!

And this is numero uno baby!

Minerals rock every part of our socks for a boat load of reasons, but it occurred to us that maybe you’re not 100% sure on which certain minerals are essential for thriving health, what the health benefits are & what the not-so-fun health symptoms look like when you’re low on the good stuff!

Minerals are just so incredibly important – like – integral to thriving health – that we couldn’t let this slide!

Each of our Mineral Spotlight posts will focus on a different essential mineral + why they are so damn essential…

Now before we jump into our first awesome mineral – this post explains exactly WHY our body needs minerals + why you are most likely deficient! 

Incase you’re in a massive hurry – here’s the jist…

Essential Minerals help your body to perform an array of biochemical processes including:

– They help build your bones, teeth, connective tissue & cell membranes

– They help to balance your sex hormones

– They help you to relax

– They treat illness or prevent illness from becoming worse

– They maintain an optimal pH balance by neutralising acid

Our bodies can’t produce minerals, we need to get them from the soil & the food we eat acts as the middle man, but the rapid decline of mineral profiles in our soil means the food grown is deficient in many essential minerals, which leads to mineral deficiencies in people.

Bottom line: Essential Minerals are important & chances are you aren’t getting enough – get the rest of that post here – & now, on with the mineral highlight!

Could you please give a big warm welcome to…


Magnesium is one phenomenal little mineral – a co factor in over 300 biochemical processes inside the body – meaning these processes cannot occur without magnesium, no pressure right?

It’s clearly not the kind of mineral you want to be deficient in.

One of the most well known benefits is its role in a healthy bone structure – in fact, of all the magnesium in the body, 50% of it can be found in the bones.

Other health benefits include:

– The production of energy in your cells which also helps to reduce fatigue

– Helps your body to synthesise proteins (turn amino acids into protein)

– Promotes great hydration

– Maintains healthy teeth

– Healthy muscle function

– Regulates blood pressure & heart rate

– Helps to regulate vitamin D levels

– Maintains healthy Calcium, Zinc, Copper & Potassium levels

Magnesium also has a huge impact on overall hormone health

– It relaxes your nerves system & controls cortisol levels

– Maintains insulin sensitivity & lowers blood sugar

– Is a co factor in the production of progesterone, oestrogen & testosterone

– Helps the body with sleep which is essential to Healthy hormone production

– Helps maintain healthy thyroid function

For women specifically, magnesium can provide relief from PMS as well as premenstrual migraines & cramps.
It can also help with anxiety & depression.

For guys it’s been shown in studies that magnesium can provide protection against prostate cancer.

As we’ve said, our body can’t produce minerals on its own & it’s no different for magnesium, it must get it from food which must get it from the soil.
The only problem with this is that after years of being overworked, most soil is now totally deficient in magnesium. Therefore the food that is grown in that soil & whoever eats that food, is going to be deficient in magnesium.

Being such an integral part of healthy human function, a magnesium deficiency can have serious effects on your health.

Symptoms that you can experience:

– fatigue

– insomnia

– anxiety

– unhealthy bones / teeth

– depression

– Inflammation

– diabetes

– osteoporosis

– heart disease

– certain types of cancers

Despite being the 4th most abundant mineral in the body, Magnesium deficiency is an issue that affects many people.

With the only source of this essential mineral totally deficient in it, it’s clear now more than ever how important being able to control the nutrient level in your soil is!

Stay tuned for more of our mineral spotlights in the weeks to come!


The Best Raw Chocolate

It’s official – It looks like a chocolate bomb went off at The Healthy Patch HQ! Hey – Easter only comes but once a year right!?

And whilst I would love to tell you that I have been slaving over a hot stove all day creating this rich chocolatey goodness – truth is – this baby is raw, quick & easy-as-pie to whip up!

The other brilliant thing… It contains no crappy ingredients – only nourishing body loving ingredients that will make you feel awesome!

So just to sum it up… this chocolate is of course Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Grain Free & Refined Sugar Free!It’s also an awesome base to use in pretty much any chocolate recipe! From fudges to frostings to ice creams – It’s an awesome little recipe to have on your side 😉


I cup Raw Cacao

1 Cup Coconut Oil

1/4 Cup Coconut Butter *

2 Tbsp. Manuka Honey

1/4 tsp. Vanilla Bean Powder

* Coconut butter (aka coconut paste) is very dry and crumbly, make sure the 1/4 cup is packed tight!


Place all ingredients into a high speed blender

Blend on high until silky smooth.

If you are just wanting to make plain raw chocolate, pour chocolate into a mould of your choice, refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours.

Now go & enjoy your raw chocolate!

P.S – If you liked this recipe, you’re going to LOVE our newly updated eBook – The Healthy Chocolate Recipe Collection!

Click here or on the picture below to download your copy for free 🙂

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So, so thankful to Crystal & Anth... What a brilliantly done, much needed business these two incredible health ambassadors have created.

Pete Evans
Chef, Author, TV Presenter

Keep your carrot fuelled eyes peeled for what Anth & Crystal have to share. They're passion & knowledge is helping to make both humans and the planet happier and better nourished. So thankful for all that they do!

Dr Libby Weaver
Nutritional Biochemist, Author, Speaker

Anth and Crystal are helping all of us be better humans through outstanding nutrition that grows before our eyes and for that I’m so grateful!

Dr Nat Kringoudis
Doctor of TCM, Author, Speaker

If you're looking for some fuss-free inspiration to live a healthier life, let Anth & Crystal lead the way. Their awesome combination of passion, vibrancy and knowledge will have you fuelling your body in the very best way, just as nature intended.

Amy Crawford
Founder of The Holistic Ingredient, CTC Master Therapist

Crystal and Anth are true health warriors… they walk their talk and share their knowledge freely!

Adele McConnell
Founder of Vegiehead, Author, Chef