Everyday Easy Green Smoothie
One of my all time favourite ways to amp up my daily veg intake, is by drinking them!
In fact, in the last 5 years, I have tried to drink either a green juice or smoothie everyday.
Because they are just that powerful!
See, not only do greens help the body to clear out all the toxins it’s exposed to everyday (something that’s super important, now more than ever!), but they’re also packed with a huge range of vitamins, minerals & phytonutrients. Healthy liver function, more energy, reduced inflammation, weight loss & reduced cancer risk are just some of the benefits of consuming leafy greens on a regular basis!
+ as a little side bonus, especially in the summer time, drinking a beautiful ice cold green smoothie as opposed to eating a bunch of raw kale & silverbeet is about a billion times more delicious!!
Something that i’ve just started doing recently though, which not only makes my smoothies taste SO MUCH better, but also allows me to make them MUCH QUICKER, is freezing my veg into individual smoothie portions!
To do this, I put all of the veg through my Norwalk juicer grinder, & then portion them out into individual servings.
In one smoothie serving, I do 75g of kale, 75g of silverbeet & 120g zucchini.
Doing this instead of freezing the big leaves makes the smoothie so much smoother & it’s a lot easier to freeze. As an alternative to the Norwalk juicer grinder you could just place your leaves in a food processor!
And here’s where the real magic kicks it… When it’s time to make my smoothie, all I need to is take out one of the portions of veg from the freezer, add it into the blender with a few other bits & pieces & blend until smooth!
Super easy & wayyyy less bittery green tasting!!! Just nourishing & delicious!
Alright – let’s get to the recipe shall we!?
75g frozen kale
75g frozen silverbeet
120g frozen zucchini
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup coconut cream
1/2 cup water
* See notes above re frozen vegetables.
Place all ingredients into a high speed blender.
Blend on high until the smoothie is completely smooth – as mentioned above, you might have to give your blender a helping hand by using a tamper!
Once smooth, pour into a big glass jar & enjoy!
P.S If you want even more delicious & nourishing recipes that will help you amp up your wholefoods ASAP, make sure you check out our new eBook Drink Your Way To Incredible Health right here! Loaded with over 30 of our favourite body-loving juices, smoothies, teas & tonics to repair, revitalise & energise your body!
Whether you’re after more energy throughout the day, a better sleep, improved digestion or maybe better skin or hair health (or all of the above!!) there’s a juice, smoothie, tea or tonic for it! All of which you’ll find in this book!
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