Gluten Free Sunflower Seed Pizza

Sunflower Seed Pizza with Roast Chicken, Cherry Toms & Goats Fetta – Pin Me!

Sunflower Seed Pizza with Roast Chicken, Cherry Toms & Goats Fetta – Pin Me!
Oh My Goodness how I LOVE Pizza. Conventionally – probably one of the most nutritionally stripped foods out there, but homemade – you can turn it into a gut friendly, hormone happy super duper healthy food!
Say hello to my Sunflower Seed Pizza!
This one is topped with left over Organic Roast Chicken, the last of our Cherry Toms from the garden, mushrooms, basil & Organic Goats Feta.
Drizzle with a tad of olive oil & you’re on pizza cloud 9
But before we get to the recipe, lets talk about why it’s awesome!
The Crust
This crust is loaded with a heap of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants just waiting to nourish your body!
Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamin E, the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant which helps prevent damage to your cells from compounds called free radicals.
Almonds are loaded with magnesium (a key mineral in balancing hormones) + are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acid, which helps raise HDL (the good cholesterol) & lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) levels.
Sesame Seeds are packed with calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and selenium but even more so with copper which is crucial for building strong tissue, maintaining blood volume & producing energy in your cells.
Why we choose Organic Goats dairy over Cow dairy
Although we don’t have dairy products that much, when we do, we choose products made from organic Goats milk. Goats milk (& Goats milk products such as cheese & yogurt) have a different chemical profile to cow’s milk, which makes it a healthier alternative.
The fat globules in goat’s milk are one ninth of the size of those found in cows milk, which makes it easier to digest. Goats milk is also high in riboflavin which is essential for the body to gain and maintain energy.
Alrighty – lets start cookin’ good lookin’!

Sunflower Seed Pizza with Roast Chicken, Cherry Toms & Goats Fetta – Pin Me!

Sunflower Seed Pizza with Roast Chicken, Cherry Toms & Goats Fetta – Pin Me!
Gluten Free Sunflower Seed Pizza:
1/2 cup Almond Meal
1/2 cup Ground Sunflower Seeds
1/4 cup Ground Sesame Seeds
1 Egg, whisked
2 tbsp Coconut Oil (soft or melted, just not super hard!)
Other awesomely healthy optional ingredients:
1 Heaped Tbsp Grass Fed gelatin powder
1 Heaped Tbsp Chia Seeds
Preheat oven to 180 C
Mix the Almond Meal, Sunflower Seeds & Sesame Seeds (plus other “awesomely healthy” ingredients if you are using them) together in a bowl, add the Egg & Coconut oil and mix through until mixture has stuck together and a ball can easily be formed (The ball should feel quite wet and oily).
If mixture is a little dry, add some more coconut oil or a few tbsp of filtered water until you get the right consistency.
Place the ball onto a sheet of baking paper & roll it out into a thin circle. (They never roll out into a perfect circle so if you want to be pedantic you will need to mold it with your hands once rolled out!)
Don’t have a rolling pin?? Place another piece of baking paper on top of the ball, & then push it down with your chopping board as hard as you can – that should do the trick!
Place it in the oven for 10 minutes or until it is quite firm (but not hard), take it out, add some tomato pasasta + your favourite toppings. (We’ve added mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, shredded roast chicken, basil & feta).
Crumble over Feta, or add cashew cheese. Drizzle with some extra tomato passata & place back in oven for 10-15 minutes.
Adding basil? Place the fresh herbs on the pizza in the last 5 minutes of your cooking time so they don’t burn.
For our vegan friends
Omit the egg & add 2 tbsp of Psyllium Husk to the almond & seed mixture. Then add 2 tbsp of water with the coconut oil and mix through. If the mix feels a little dry add a little more water until you can form a proper ball. Omit Chicken and Feta and top with more vegies & Cashew Cheese.
*This makes 1 pizza – my hubby and I always make 1 each for dinner, however we do eat quite a lot of food :p*
Pizza Topping ideas
We usually top up our pizza with fresh veggies & whatever left overs we have, but you can go nuts with different ideas…
Rocket & Cashew Cheese with drizzled olive oil .
Pumpkin & Spinach with Basil Pesto.
Chicken & Fresh Pineapple
Leftover Bolognese Sauce
So many awesome options!
Any questions, please let me know!
Crystal x
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