Scalloped Notatoes
Scalloped potatoes… big creamy scoops would make there way to our dinner plates at least once a week back in the day.
Which, generally consisted of a whole heap of conventional cream, cheese, butter & tatoes. Definitely something my body could have done with out.
And even though these days we no longer choose to eat dairy & have a very small potato intake… the thought of a nice creamy scalloped potato dish does occasionally cross our minds!
Because come on.. it’s truly delicious!
So… as I was picking the last of our cool season veg to plant out some new warm weather goodness – it occurred to me… I CAN MAKE A HEALTHY VERSION of this once all-time-favourite dish of ours!
And so… Scalloped Notatoes were born!
Rich & creamy goodness…
But this time – no cream, cheese, butter or tatoes.
Instead – The star ingredient and potato substitute is Kohlrabi.
Kohlrabi not only makes an awesome potato substitute, but it keeps your skin, teeth & gums healthy, as well as your immune system strong & reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Kohlrabi also helps to promote healthy metabolism, vision & bone density PLUS…. I’ve saved the best till last…. it contains isothiocyanates! The incredible cancer fighting compounds found in all brassicas that you want to be getting as much as you can of!
In short – Kohlrabi for the win!
Here are the other killer ingredients…
Coconut Cream – Coconut in almost all its forms – should be a staple in everyones pantry. Not only is Coconut Cream super versatile (we use it in all kinds of sweet & savoury dishes) but it’s an amazing source of healthy fats – one being Medium Chain Triglycerides or MCT’s. MCT’s are a type of fat that get used by the body immediately rather than being stored as fat for later use, so it’s a great source of energy for your body & even helps you to burn fat! Coconut is also high in Lauric acid which helps maintain healthy blood flow which is of course incredibly important!
ABC Butter – ABC butter is an awesome way to provide your body with a dose of healthy fats, proteins & minerals including magnesium, zinc, calcium & selenium – all of which are vital for optimal health!
Garlic – Garlic contains allicin, a phytonutrient which has incredible anti-microbial, anti-fungal & anti-viral properties. To get the most benefits from your garlic, chop it or crush & let it sit for 10 minutes before cooking with it. This will increase the concentration of allicin & give you the most bang for your buck.
Rosemary – Rosemary protects your liver from damage while helping it to detoxify + it contains potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory & anticancer substances. It’s also great for circulation.
Alright – ready for the recipe?
Let’s do this!
Scalloped Notatoes
3 good size Kohlrabis, leaves removed
2 Onions, thinly sliced
1 Can coconut cream, solids only (discard liquid)
3 tbsp ABC butter (or you can substitute with cashews)
6 garlic cloves
1 tbsp fresh rosemary
1 tbsp coconut oil (for cooking) + a little more for greasing
Pink Salt
Preheat your oven to 150C.
Cook onion in coconut oil, in a pan on low – medium heat, preferably with a lid on.
Whilst your onions are cooking, thinly slice your kohlrabis and place them aside.
Place coconut cream, ABC butter, garlic cloves, rosemary + a good pinch of pink salt & pepporcorns into a high speed blender and blend until smooth & creamy.
By now your onions should be cooked & you’re ready to assemble your dish!
Grab a small baking dish & grease with a little coconut oil.
Place a single layer of kohlrabi slices down, then some onion, then a drizzle of your cream sauce. It’s important to note that the bulk of the cream sauce is for the final layer, so don’t get too generous with your drizzles.
Continue layering your kohlrabi slices & onion using this method until you don’t have any left.
Now pour the remainder (bulk) of the cream sauce on top of your final layer, covering every last piece of kohlrabi. Finish with a sprinkle of salt & pepper + a good pinch of nutmeg.
Bake in oven for 50 minutes or until the kohlrabi easily breaks with a fork and the cream is golden.
Enjoy your Scalloped Notatoes!
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