Paleo Salted Chili Chocolate Tart
Chili & Chocolate?
I’d actually never tried it before but I’d heard some good stuff…
And considering the explosion of Chili we’ve had in our Healthy Patches lately + the fact that old V day’s around the corner I thought… why not!?
So I did…
& ohhhhh ma goodness!
These 2 seriously pair up like no other!
Rich dark chocolatey goodness with a sudden bite of Chili at the end… add in a pinch of pink salt & it’s the ultimate combo… seriously awesome!
If you haven’t tried them together before & you think i’ve gone mad… I assure you I haven’t!
Once you make this tart you’ll be hooked, I promise!
Alright, so let’s talk about the tart…
It’s super simple & insanely delicious, but it’s even better when you have a heap of fun making it!
A few pointers… 🙂
First off – You don’t have to use a rectangular baking dish, just use whatever you have on hand! We had a rectangle one so that’s what I used. Also, I spent a good minute making sure the tart casing was nice, even & smooth – but if that will give you the irrates… just slap on the old “rustic” tag! (They do this on Masterchef a lot, so it’s all good!)
Secondly – Choose your own Chili! We have 4 different types of Chilis growing at the moment & we ended up using 1 big super HOT Chili because we like the heat, however you might like a milder Chili – your call.
Thirdly – I topped the tart with berries & flowers because we have a heap growing, you might like to top it with something else… again – your call!
Alright – let’s get onto the Health Benefits!
Cacao – One of the richest sources of magnesium on the planet which is essential for healthy well hydrated skin, muscle & nerve function. Cacao also contains the chemical anandamide aka the ‘bliss molecule’ which has been shown to improve your mood!
Coconut – Packed to the brim with healthy fats, coconut helps you stay satiated for longer, quickly burn fat for energy & balance both your hormones & cholesterol.
Chili – A great source of vitamin A + C & it also contains capsaicin – the compound chili gets its hotness from – capsaicin has been shown to reduce pain, reduce your risk of coronary heart disease & even help your body to adapt to hot temperatures.
Pink Salt – AKA Himalayan Salt, contains over 80 minerals, has been shown to help balance your body’s pH levels & help you to get a more restful sleep – it’s seriously incredible stuff!!
Okay… Now for the recipe!!
Tart Case
1 tbsp Cacao Powder
1 Cup Coconut Chips
1 Cup Almond Meal
1/2 Cup Hemp seeds (optional, add another 1/2 Cup Almond Meal if not using)
1 tsp Manuka Honey
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
Good pinch of Pink Salt
Tart Filling
1/2 Cup Cacao Powder
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
1 Heaped Tbsp Manuka Honey
1 piece of Cacao Butter, equivalent to around 1/4 Cup (have a look at photo for size) or alternatively use 1/4 cup of Coconut Butter.
1/2 Cup Cashews
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
1 fresh chili (The type of chili you use is up to you – We have used 1 mighty hot Chili as we like a lot of heat!)
Pink Salt to taste.
Tart Case
1. Place all ingredients into food processor & process until moist crumbs form.
2. Create your tart case/shell by firmly pressing the crumb mixture into a rectangular silicon mould, or if you want to use just a normal baking dish make sure to place baking paper underneath so the tart shell doesn’t stick to the dish. Smooth out & try & make as even as possible… or go with the rustic look.
3. Place into the freezer whilst you make your filling.
Tart Filling
1. Place all ingredients except chili & salt into a high speed blender.
2. Blend until smooth
3. Add your desired chili & a nice pinch of salt & blend again – taste test to make sure you’ve got just the right amount of chili & salt – if not, add more!
4. Remove tart case from freezer & spoon the filling into the case.
5. Refrigerate for a few hours before eating.
6. Cover with fresh berries if desired & ENJOY!
Crystal xx
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